Exhibition of student work and parents’ day at the new generation school program of Samdech Akka Moha Thamma Pothisal Chea Sim Prek Anchanh High School.

Exhibition of student work and parents' day at the new generation school program of Samdech Akka Moha Thamma Pothisal Chea Sim Prek Anchanh High School. Your Excellencies, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, Parents, Guardians, students, the public and all students Read more

The first day at Burirampitthayakhom School ❤️😊 26-07-2022!

July 2022 exam, 8th grade students!

July 2022 exam, 8th grade students!

Computer Curriculum Training!

Computer Curriculum Training!

Physics Grade 7 Student Activities Learn to Measure the Voltage of a Battery in Series and in Pieces

Physics Grade 7 Student Activities Learn to Measure the Voltage of a Battery in Series and in Pieces

9th Grade Student Activities B1B2B3 English Teamwork Past tense Verb to be and could in Lesson 5

9th Grade Student Activities B1B2B3 English Teamwork Past tense Verb to be and could in Lesson 5

Ardunio Robotics and Basic Physics Club Student Activities

Wednesday 15th of the month of Asat in the year of Carl Chatva Sak, Buddhist era 2566 Corresponds to July 13, 2022 July 13, 2022 Ardunio Robotics and Basic Physics Club Student Activities Taught by Mr. You Satha

Preah Sisowath High School

Preah Sisowath High School